kafka – stand up a test instance with SSL for testing

I had a need to stand up a Kafka instance with SSL to test SSL handshakes. Today was the first time looking at Kafka so needless to say I was a bit lost. 🙁 Started out looking up various projects and found some interesting things that enabled me to setup a instance of kafka using docker containers with SSL. Requirements: git, docker, docker-compose installed on your server. Clone wurstmeister/kafka repo Get confluent’s kafka-generate-ssl.sh script, run it and follow all the instructions. Please make sure to remember the passphrase and the truststore/keystore passwords. This will generate the following Create “certs” directory… Continue Reading


wildcard certificates

How to create wildcard certificate the right way to use for home so that you wouldn’t get the not trusted thingy for your site. Use my script on https://github.com/jlim0930/scripts/blob/master/wildcard.sh to generate the CA,CA key, & the certificate. Use the certificate to encrypt your devices and sites like synology,esxi,others and import the CA into your computer so that it will verify the cert! enjoy!