Fun things with Elastic’s Fleet server & elastic-agent

There are many fun things we can do with the fleet server & elastic-agent To understand how to edit and change settings to do fun things with fleet server, first you have to understand how fleet server works with kibana & elasticsearch and elastic-agent. Fleet server itself is elastic-agent that runs in a server mode. It needs to communicate with both kibana and elasticsearch as well as elastic-agent. It uses elasticsearch as its config manager to store configurations so that it can configure & keep track of elastic-agents that is registered against it. Kibana is used to configure fleet server,… Continue Reading


deploy-eck update 1

OUTDATED – Please use this link for the new script and instructions https://www.gooksu.com/2022/09/new-elastic-kubernetes-script-deploy-elastick8s-sh/ I developed the deploy-eck.sh script to easily deploy the elastic stack in k8s to quickly test things. Did a quick update to the script. operator mode. Now you can run the script just to deploy the operator only and apply a trial license. You can develop your own test cases etc in this mode. If you work out of ~/eckstack and name your manifest files *.yaml when you run the deploy-eck.sh cleanup it will cleanup all of your items as well. > ./deploy-eck.sh cleanup ********** Cleaning up… Continue Reading


kafka – stand up a test instance with SSL for testing

I had a need to stand up a Kafka instance with SSL to test SSL handshakes. Today was the first time looking at Kafka so needless to say I was a bit lost. 🙁 Started out looking up various projects and found some interesting things that enabled me to setup a instance of kafka using docker containers with SSL. Requirements: git, docker, docker-compose installed on your server. Clone wurstmeister/kafka repo Get confluent’s kafka-generate-ssl.sh script, run it and follow all the instructions. Please make sure to remember the passphrase and the truststore/keystore passwords. This will generate the following Create “certs” directory… Continue Reading