Creating a custom CA and certificates with SAN signed by the CA for testing

There are endless guides on the internet that uses endless methods to generate certificates and CA but I have not found one that is simple to use to create a custom CA and CA signed certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name) to perform some testing. So I created simple set of steps: Create a ca.key ❯ openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus …………………………………………………………………………….+++ …………….+++ e is 65537 (0x10001) ❯ ls ca.key ❯ cat ca.key —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– MIIEowIBAAKCAQEArTBn8M9NBHmmVKOCcKl75EYZqv2LvNvNQjSJ0YDHLrXt2CpL x3N7IDgriLU4TbFVb13yQCPXESQOOBuzNJMqG8Ca5K56RYNBY6QP5k8z195385Qd QJODgut3A+ACjkWB9iVMHuN+KVXyEcPhl4/UFvYW6+ybvSSmUgfZJ/u3fCh6YaWN 15nVWRI40yDAgvM8EKuPew734ENF1GdSVF+S+m2QhDKR2gn8NkpdvYjKDtKFN2Rh VjREEb3TuQqttZNykkCira93dr3/ILdTGVxOIkXhdESFdiRMZ9dXOUqozQSALGfw cXKY2MlrkN+20F/ojoh3IqZs2gJS05udJOaarQIDAQABAoIBADdnBckmN6gX1lq7 F848mZJzzmBBzcLzuZzVO8VWYeGSd2ywUx+R1LCA54RLHKDV+tOuhQF5taIZG6dd TR2jelP4cFR5cEnubCuY3zE44wfKdiroldcDmY13D9KghZDHsYRxeAFlmwVUJiUC uZcHfrx9quV8AnImWEJjmldNEexYa94tLM+SahbNEG3H6s2hQE+GvshoVp+IoPPg sIVZo7AyEj/Z6sdY67YX92aNHeFr1TvSO/knxAryBW1knui8ZlmpFIroEZ8eR/Cn 1SYIWaJZpzz5pmbKIOWHc2uM7rUJzW3Rm8hFzjOCiUgmmYjQROVvLKFMTtiV6mcl IATnsqECgYEA0pR5fjqdf9NG3C+k8bh/PxKX2MzBmaFMjMdini081l9oN6D1Hjiz Pw3NZ0iVb+pQceeVLss8v/mX/zhkQ0P+rbiz4Lh191few5/uAxhqVJUVbMPjCYMz qxTTK3pcpui4PPM8pfFOBFbuXc4QqUf5HYW6HUq0eWWy86U9cB0W0wUCgYEA0otU r8LlxclOYZkcxqbYe+0/8xxCXaYw5slTbyxlh40wX2vgjmSkeOli8peGfMD07Cfm… Continue Reading


Troubleshooting with the multipathd Interactive Console

The multipathd -k command is an interactive interface to the multipathd daemon. Entering this command brings up an interactive multipath console. After entering this command, you can enter help to get a list of available commands, you can enter a interactive command, or you can enter CTRL-D to quit. The multipathd interactive console can be used to troubleshoot problems you may be having with your system. For example, the following command sequence displays the multipath configuration, including the defaults, before exiting the console. # multipathd -k > > show config > > CTRL-D The following command sequence ensures that multipath has picked up any changes… Continue Reading