Fun things with Elastic’s Fleet server & elastic-agent

There are many fun things we can do with the fleet server & elastic-agent

To understand how to edit and change settings to do fun things with fleet server, first you have to understand how fleet server works with kibana & elasticsearch and elastic-agent.

Fleet server itself is elastic-agent that runs in a server mode. It needs to communicate with both kibana and elasticsearch as well as elastic-agent. It uses elasticsearch as its config manager to store configurations so that it can configure & keep track of elastic-agents that is registered against it. Kibana is used to configure fleet server, all API calls for fleet is ran to the kibana endpoint.

When you register an elastic-agent, you register the elastic-agent against a fleet server. If your fleet server is using self signed certificate you must specify the CA or add --insecure to register your agent against it. Once the elastic-agent is registered, the fleet server sends configurations (state.yml) onto elastic-agent and the agent configures various beats/integrations/modules/endpoint agents using the configurations sent by fleet server.

So what kind of fun things can we do?

  • We saw in https://www.gooksu.com/2022/05/fleet-server-with-logstash-output-elastic-agent/ that you can configure logstash as an output for fleet-server. This feature is still beta however it will lead to ingestion improvements once its GAed

  • Starting wtih 8.2 you can configure multiple outputs in fleet settings which can you tie into different agent policies - so lets say some policy you send your data directly to elasticsearch, others you send it via logstash, and when you mix logstash into the mix you can start sending the data to other deployments! This feature really makes things very robust where you can do a lot. - If in the future if there is a way to add/change api keys or specify username/password for ES endpoints you can even natively send data to other deployments with ease.

  • Related to above you can configure your Agent policy with an output for your integrations and agent monitoring seperately! So you can send your monitoring data to another cluster vs your integrations.

  • Fingerprinting. Before fingerprinting you either had to stage your CA onto each endpoint ahead of time or paste the contents of your CA into the Advanced YAML Options but starting with 8.0 you can now fingerprint your CA and add the fingerprint. The endpoints will read the fingerprint and add it to its trusted CA chain. The fingerprint must be in sha256 format and formatted without the :. For my scripts i use openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in CA.crt | awk -F"=" {' print $2 '} | sed s/://g

  • my deploy-eck.sh script was updated today for fleet 8.2+ so that it configures an output for the LB endpoint for fleet server as well as LB endpoint for the ES cluster so that you can add elastic-agents from outside of the k8s cluster! It even configures the agent policy that should be used for your external endpoints.

$ ./deploy-eck.sh cleanup

********** Cleaning up **********

[DEBUG] DELETING Resources for: /Users/jlim/eckstack/license.yaml
[DEBUG] DELETING Resources for: /Users/jlim/eckstack/operator.yaml
[DEBUG] DELETING Resources for: /Users/jlim/eckstack/crds.yaml

[DEBUG] All cleanedup

~ > ./deploy-eck.sh fleet 8.2.0 2.3.0
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 version validated.
[DEBUG] This might take a while.  In another window you can watch -n2 kubectl get all or kubectl get events -w to watch the stack being stood up

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.3.0 OPERATOR **************

[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 downloading crds: crds.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 downloading operator: operator.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK Operator is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If the operator does not goto Running status in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please


NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/elastic-operator-0   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/elastic-webhook-server   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   23s

NAME                                READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/elastic-operator   1/1     23s

[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 Creating license.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 Applying trial license

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 CLUSTER eck-lab **************

[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 CLUSTER eck-lab Creating elasticsearch.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 CLUSTER eck-lab Starting elasticsearch cluster.
[DEBUG] elasticsearch is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] elasticsearch is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] elasticsearch is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] elasticsearch is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] elasticsearch is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0  STACK 8.2.0 is HEALTHY

eck-lab   green    3       8.2.0     Ready   107s

[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 CLUSTER  eck-lab Creating kibana.yaml
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 CLUSTER  eck-lab Starting kibana.
[DEBUG] kibana is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] kibana is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] kibana is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0  STACK 8.2.0 is HEALTHY

eck-lab   green    1       8.2.0     66s

[DEBUG] Grabbing elastic password for eck-lab: C8282E0wCq84rhCu2NNWKp66
[DEBUG] Grabbing elasticsearch endpoint for  eck-lab:
[DEBUG] Grabbing kibana endpoint for eck-lab:

 ********** Deploying ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0 Fleet Server & elastic-agent **************

[DEBUG] Patching kibana to set fleet settings
[DEBUG] Sleeping for 60 seconds to wait for kibana to be updated with the patch
[DEBUG] Creating fleet.yaml
[DEBUG] STACK VERSION: 8.2.0 Starting fleet-server & elastic-agents.
[DEBUG] agent is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] agent is starting.  Checking again in 20 seconds.  If this does not finish in few minutes something is wrong. CTRL-C please
[DEBUG] ECK 2.3.0  STACK 8.2.0 is HEALTHY

elastic-agent   green    3           3          8.2.0     46s
fleet-server    green    1           1          8.2.0     46s

[DEBUG] Grabbing Fleet Server endpoint (external):
[DEBUG] Waiting 30 seconds for fleet server to calm down to set the external output
[DEBUG] Output: external created.  You can use this output for elastic-agent from outside of k8s cluster.
[DEBUG] Please create a new agent policy using the external output if you want to use elastic-agent from outside of k8s cluster.
[DEBUG] Please use with --insecure to register your elastic-agent if you are coming from outside of k8s cluster.

[SUMMARY] ECK 2.3.0 STACK 8.2.0

NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
pod/eck-lab-es-default-0                  1/1     Running   0             5m55s
pod/eck-lab-es-default-1                  1/1     Running   0             5m55s
pod/eck-lab-es-default-2                  1/1     Running   0             5m55s
pod/eck-lab-kb-76c47d84bf-2rc4d           1/1     Running   0             2m59s
pod/elastic-agent-agent-6szlx             1/1     Running   2 (66s ago)   116s
pod/elastic-agent-agent-xlzbd             1/1     Running   2 (74s ago)   116s
pod/elastic-agent-agent-xv69b             1/1     Running   1 (71s ago)   116s
pod/fleet-server-agent-7c7b8865cd-wdd5v   1/1     Running   0             89s

NAME                               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)          AGE
service/eck-lab-es-default         ClusterIP      None          <none>          9200/TCP         5m55s
service/eck-lab-es-http            LoadBalancer    9200:32195/TCP   5m57s
service/eck-lab-es-internal-http   ClusterIP   <none>          9200/TCP         5m57s
service/eck-lab-es-transport       ClusterIP      None          <none>          9300/TCP         5m57s
service/eck-lab-kb-http            LoadBalancer    5601:32611/TCP   4m8s
service/fleet-server-agent-http    LoadBalancer   8220:30498/TCP   118s
service/kubernetes                 ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP          9h

daemonset.apps/elastic-agent-agent   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          116s

NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/eck-lab-kb           1/1     1            1           4m7s
deployment.apps/fleet-server-agent   1/1     1            1           116s

NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/eck-lab-kb-76c47d84bf           1         1         1       2m59s
replicaset.apps/fleet-server-agent-7c7b8865cd   1         1         1       89s

NAME                                  READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/eck-lab-es-default   3/3     5m55s

eck-lab elastic password: C8282E0wCq84rhCu2NNWKp66
eck-lab elasticsearch endpoint:
eck-lab kibana endpoint:
eck-lab Fleet Server endpoint:

[SUMMARY] ca.crt is located in /Users/jlim/eckstack/ca.crt

[NOTE] If you missed the summary its also in /Users/jlim/eckstack/notes
[NOTE] You can start logging into kibana but please give things few minutes for proper startup and letting components settle down.


We can see that the Fleet server hosts was updated with both internal and external host url, and external outputs was added


External Agent Policy was also added

And we can see that th eoutput for integrations and agent monitoring is set for the external output.

Lets go ahead and add an elastic-agent my Elastic stack and fleet server is on gke k8s environment and I will use the external output with External Agent Policy to register my home lab machine onto this cluster.


Since my environment is using self signed certificates, I will add the --insecure setting when enrolling

# sudo elastic-agent enroll --url= --enrollment-token=azUyVnFZSUIwS0ZFMTJvQ1VGY2M6S2l4NnQ5MkpScU9kb3dTckRkV2hVdw== --insecure
This will replace your current settings. Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:y
2022-08-16T21:53:51.982-0500    WARN    [tls]   tlscommon/tls_config.go:101 SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2022-08-16T21:53:52.315-0500    INFO    cmd/enroll_cmd.go:454   Starting enrollment to URL:
2022-08-16T21:53:52.418-0500    WARN    [tls]   tlscommon/tls_config.go:101 SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2022-08-16T21:53:53.244-0500    INFO    cmd/enroll_cmd.go:254   Successfully triggered restart on running Elastic Agent.
Successfully enrolled the Elastic Agent.

And we can see that my lab machine from home can get to the fleet server on gke


and that we are ingesting


Also if you are having issues with elastic-agent please visit some common troubleshooting for elastic-agent on https://www.gooksu.com/2022/06/elastic-fleet-server-elastic-agent-common-troubleshooting/



  1. Hello jlim0930, we have an issue when we want to use “public” certificate obtained by GoDaddy for external configuration.
    As we are using Fleet server in container, it always fails by saying x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.
    Do you maybe have some guide for using Fleet with public certs?
    Tnx in advance

    • Hello Vuk,

      Set this environment variables on your fleet Container:

      – name: FLEET_CA
      value: “/usr/share/elastic-agent/certs/ca.crt”
      – name: FLEET_URL
      value: “https://fleet-server8-test.mydomain.com:443”
      – name: FLEET_SERVER_CERT
      value: “/usr/share/elastic-agent/certs/tls.crt”
      value: “/usr/share/elastic-agent/certs/tls.key”

      Set and mount the corresponding secret for ca.crt, tls.crt and tls.key in your deployment.
      and also configure your ingress to use the proper certificate.

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