Rescuing pods from CrashLoopBackOff

When pods behave badly in your cluster, looping over and over, it is known as CrashLoopBackOff. If the pod contains important data or you just need to edit something on the pod to get it fixed like running some checker on a program installed on the pod or moving things around or whatever the reason is but you need to get into the pod to fix it but there is no way you can just kubectl -n namespace exec -it name bash to it then what do you do? dang you CrashLoopBackOff!! initContainer method Advantage: the pod runs before the… Continue Reading


Helm charts to install the Elastic Stack using minikube

On the previous post we used the minikube wrapper kube.sh to install ECK – Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes. ECK uses an operator that was created by Elastic to deploy and orchestrate the Elastic Stack in kubernetes. ECK is not the only way to install elasticsearch in kubernetes, you can also use Helm charts to install the Stack. What is the difference between an operator and helm charts? Helm Helm is a package management system for kubernetes. The packaging format is called charts. In OS terms its like rpm or deb packages. An application is packed into a package that can… Continue Reading


minikube wrapper – kubernetes

What is minikube? Minikube was developed to allow users to run Kubernetes LOCALLY. When you run minikube it will launch a minikube host as a container/VM depending on the driver and runs a single-node k8s cluster. Why minikube? Previously whenever I needed to test anything in the kubernetes environment I would stand up a full suite of servers 4 actually, 3 workers and 1 master node on a VM and it was very time-consuming to set up and use and also resource-intensive for my tiny home lab. I needed a way to create an environment fast and make it re-producible… Continue Reading


Elastic Cloud on kubernetes (ECK) on minikube

ECK is Elastic cloud on kubernetes – Kubernetes Operator pattern that extends basic kubernetes orchestration to easily deploy, secure, upgrade Elasticsearch and the rest of the stack such as kibana, logstash, various beats, and much more. In my previous article I wrote about my kube.sh script which is a wrapper that installs a minikube environment to run your kubernetes projects. We will use the wrapper to deploy our kubernetes environment and start deploying elasticsearch using ECK. The steps below are not limited to my minikube wrapper script but you can follow the same process for any kubernetes environment. Lets get… Continue Reading


Kubernetes 101 & 102

Lets dive into kubernetes(will refer to it as k8s from here on out). What is k8s? according to wikipedia: Kubernetes (commonly stylized as k8s) is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It aims to provide a “platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts”. It works with a range of container tools, including Docker. Many cloud services offer a Kubernetes-based platform or infrastructure as a service (PaaS or IaaS) on which Kubernetes can… Continue Reading