Install and configure a database and a webserver – Migrated to a new server 2 of 4

This is the second section in the 4 part series of migrating my server Install and configure the host machine Install and configure a database and webserver – we are here Install and configure a mailserver Install and configure vaultwarden Tie everything back to 1. for backups, misc, etc Dockerized services I will configure a database and a webserver(mainly wordpress container) to listen internally only and not exposed to the outside network. I will also configure a nginx-proxy and letsencrypt to provide the access from the world to the wordpress site and to generate the letsencrypt certificate. Wanted to note… Continue Reading


Elastic Cloud on kubernetes (ECK) on minikube

ECK is Elastic cloud on kubernetes – Kubernetes Operator pattern that extends basic kubernetes orchestration to easily deploy, secure, upgrade Elasticsearch and the rest of the stack such as kibana, logstash, various beats, and much more. In my previous article I wrote about my kube.sh script which is a wrapper that installs a minikube environment to run your kubernetes projects. We will use the wrapper to deploy our kubernetes environment and start deploying elasticsearch using ECK. The steps below are not limited to my minikube wrapper script but you can follow the same process for any kubernetes environment. Lets get… Continue Reading